Online Banking


Banking on Your Terms

Access your accounts when, where and how it’s most convenient for you.

Easy, Convenient and Secure Online Banking

You have 24/7 access to your accounts with Online and Mobile Banking:
  • Review account history
  • Transfer money between Rogue accounts
  • Make bill and loan payments
  • Pay off and close your loans anytime online or through the mobile app
  • Check account balances
  • Set up automatic bill payments
  • Reorder checks
  • Schedule transactions
  • Export transactions to Excel, Quicken or QuickBooks
If you need assistance setting up or accessing your accounts through Online Banking, we’re here to help! Give us a call at 800.856.7328, chat with us online or stop by your local branch.


Member-to-Member Transfers

Easily transfer money to friends and family who are also Rogue Credit Union members by using the mobile banking app. All you need is:  
  • The member’s checking or savings account number 
  • The member’s last name
After processing, the recipient will be saved for convenient re-use.


Checking Your FICO® Score

Staying on top of your credit is easy with Online Banking. Log into your account, go to additional services and select “Check your FICO® Score.” 

View a brief credit report history, your current score and helpful tips to maintain or repair your credit. 

If you would like to know more about your credit and what you can do to build or repair it, visit our Dollars & $ense blog to learn more. 


Credit Reports 

Federal law provides consumers with free access to reports from each of the three major credit bureaus. Visit to access your credit report.