To Help You Make Dollars + $ense Out of Your Finances

How to Switch Your Checking Account

Switching your checking account can be a big decision! Setting up direct deposit and transferring utility payments can be a lot to keep track of, but that’s where we come in. With a little help from our friendly team, setting up your new account can be as simple as a few clicks.

How to Boost Your Credit Score

Your credit score is one of the most impactful numbers in your life. But, what is it exactly and how can you improve it?

On the Road Again: Your Guide to Travel-Ready Finances

Before you set off on your next adventure, make sure your finances are ready to go the distance! Here are six tips to keep your money safe while you’re on the go, whether you’re headed to the next town over or across the world.

Ways to Save: Certificate Ladders, Barbells and Bullets

Overall, certificates are a great, reliable option for building your savings. If you need regular access to your funds, though, certificates to be the best fit.

Shopping for a Mortgage

The mortgage-approval process can be an intimidating one, especially when applying for your first mortgage. But it doesn’t have to be! Let’s break down the basic steps in applying for a mortgage so that when you’re ready to buy your dream home you know just what to do.