Nonprofit Accounts

Let us help you support your mission!

Checking and money maker accounts created for nonprofit organizations.

Nonprofit Checking Account

A checking account exclusively created for nonprofits. At Rogue, we recognize your commitment to the community and want to reward you with an account that lets you focus on what matters, not on high balance minimums and service fees.

Nonprofit Checking Account Benefits: 

  • No fees for transactions 
  • No fees for cash activities
  • Share insurance coverage up to $1,000,000
  • No minimum opening balance
  • Minimum balance to earn interest: $5,000
  • No minimum balance fees
  • Higher yield than standard business checking accounts
  • Free online banking and bill pay

Nonprofit products are still required to have a Business Savings and a Business Ownership account.


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Nonprofit Money Market Savings Account

With a Nonprofit Money Market Account, you can earn a higher interest rate than a standard business money maker account while keeping your funds within easy reach. The Nonprofit Money Market is among our highest yielding rates.

Nonprofit Money Market Account Benefits: 

  • No minimum opening balance
  • No minimum balance fees
  • Share insurance coverage up to $1,000,000
  • No minimum balance to start earning interest
  • Flexible deposits and withdrawals
  • Free online banking and bill pay 

Nonprofit products are still required to have a Business Savings and a Business Ownership account.

Deposit Range Dividend Annual Percentage Yield*
$0 - $9,999.99 0.60%  0.60% APY
$10,000 - $24,999.99 0.75% 0.75% APY
$25,000 - $49,999.99  1.00% 1.00% APY 
$50,000 - $99,999.99 2.00% 2.02% APY
$100,000 - $149,999.99 2.50%  2.53% APY 
$150,000+ 3.00% 3.04% APY


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The rates appearing in this schedule are accurate and effective as of  March 25, 2025. Rates may change on variable rate accounts after the account is opened. Fees could reduce earnings. If you have any questions or require current rate information on your accounts, please contact us at 800.856.7328.